WORWF Members Attend FFRW Spring Conference

by | May 8, 2024 | Membership Engagement | 0 comments

WORWF Receives GOLD Award 

The Florida Federation of Republican Women’s Spring Conference was held in Orlando, FL on April 19-21. During the event, WORWF received the Gold Award for their 2022-2023 volunteer hours. All the hard work on behalf of getting Republicans elected, from flag waving, poll watching, poll working, phone calling, door knocking, etc. was remarkable! Congratulations and a special thanks to all of the members who worked so hard to make WORWF club shine!

The event kicked off on Friday with a Q&A  Session with two Florida Legislators: Representative Keith Truenow, Florida House District 26, who is now running for the term-limited Senator Baxley’s position in Florida Senate District 13; as well as Representative Taylor Yarkovsky, running to keep his seat in the Florida House District 25.  Senator Rick Scott, running for US Senate re-election, stopped by the FFRW Conference, as well as, Lynda Bell, National and Florida chair of Right to Life, who brought the conference attendees up to date on the proposed Florida Abortion Amendment. The attendees also received some training presented by The Leadership Institute.